Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Sociology and Modernity

Modernity is one phrase that is complex to define. This is because no precise definition of modernity that is globally accepted has been decided upon. This is inclusive of the sociology field that has seen so many theories brought about to define modernity. However, we can have a general definition defining modernity as a post-middle age era that is discernible with a drastic change from the pre-modern concept of agrarianism to a world of industrialization, capitalism, urbanization, rationalization and general social change that was tremendously adopted by the entire world, though having its root origins in Europe in the times around 1700. Renaissance was the immediate time that preceded modernity; renaissance in this case referring to the last moments of the middle-aged era. This era was all about scientific and industrial revolution that saw the rise of many inventions that have come to define the modernity of modernization. The social change can be attributed to the enlightenment of human kind as Immanuel Kant stated in one of his famous books. Many definitions have been thus brought up in the field of sociology and by different philosophers. Karl Marx defines modernity as a capitalist revolution. Capitalism is a state of economic status that is based on individualism in that an individual invests in different ownerships or businesses for the sole purpose of personal benefits or for profit motive. He therefore sees modernity as an evil phenomenon and seriously criticizes it. On the other hand, Max Weber defines modernity on the basis of personal beliefs that eventually lead to the social changes that occur in modernization. He sees modernity as a trend that leads to the reduction in traditional values and beefs up rationalization that he so much fears would eventually corrode off humanity. He is so pessimistic on the effects of modernity given the mean definition that he gives to the phenomenon. The last of the philosophers to provide a definition in our essay will be Emile Durkheim. Durkheim at least had an optimistic definition of modernity, though not entirely optimistic. He defined modernity on the basis of labor division. He believed that modernity would bring in the world the concept of diversification of economic activities in the human society. He saw modernization as a shift of change in the way the community operated; the solidarity change from mechanical to organic. On the pessimistic side, he however dreads anomie, a state that describes minimal moral guidance provided to individuals in the society (Calhoun, Gerteis, and Moody 46). As defined in the introductory part, modernity carries along different social changes and cultural values that define a clear-cut difference from the same elements that were experienced in the pre-modern age. Modernity has greatly affected the basis of the family in the world today. The family as an institution, coupled with many other things like marriage, morality and religion have all been compromised. In the pre-modern age, the morality of the society stemmed from the family institution. Thus, the cautiousness that was always involved in the upbringing of a moral family was the number one priority by the family heads at that time (Macionis 4). Politics has undergone dynamic transformation due to the effect modernity. In the pre-modern days, politics was not as dominative as it is in the modern world. Modernity has caused governments to have a very dominative hand by heavily regulating its citizens by very intricate and uncongenial bureaucratic formation. The economy is another entity that has defined modernity. In the pre-modern era, economy was defined by agrarian productivity. This can even be demonstrated by the Feudalist system of government that existed in Europe. This system of a political system involved land being exchanged in turn for services. It was a system where the lords, who were the land owners, gave out land to vassals, who were the tenants. The land in this kind of political system was referred to as fief. However, the economy in the modern society has completely taken a twist, with capitalism being the system. Capitalism centered on the personal interests and profits motive of either an individual or a country. This means no rational prioritization will be taken if at all a country or an individual has the aim of making profit. This is a system that was widely condemned by philosophers such as Karl Marx (Calhoun, Gerteis, Moody, Pfaff, and Virk 122). The different philosophers who came up with the various definitions of modernity had varied expectations and predictions that would come along modernity. Karl Marx had a very pessimistic view of modernity. He highly criticized capitalism, an economy system that he claimed set in with modernity. He sees capitalism as a profit motivated system and therefore a selfish system. He also feared the rise of classes in the society, something that he describes as the baby of capitalism. He abhorrently condemns capitalism as greed and self interest and had very pessimistic expectations of the modern world. He foresees challenges such as extreme poverty while other countries swam in a lot of wealth, all with the advent of a capitalist economy. Max Weber, with his definition of modernity being based on human rationality, had his fears on the degradation of humanity. Weber was also pessimistic on the way modernity would transform the world. He foresaw the alienation of social justice that would set in as a result of the change in individuals beliefs brought about by modernity (Calhoun et al 122). Among these three philosophers, Emile Durkheim at least had an optimistic view of the setting in of modernity. With his definition of modernity being based on the division of labor, he saw modernity bringing in drastic growth of the economy. This would occur due to labor diversification and specialization that would equally distribute human resource to every economic activity. His expectations for the advent of modernity were therefore high. Despite him having these positive expectations, he had a fear of anomie. This is a state where there is slow degradation of morals in the society due to disregard of moral guidance by human who would have all their minds set towards the development of the economy. The subject of modernity has always raised a lot of arguments. Many philosophers have brought up theories trying to define modernity but no articular theory has been globally accepted to define modernity. With this essay though, we have had an overview of the various definitions of modernity by the three philosophers: Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. We have also seen their premonitions, feelings and expectations of modernity. Different aspects of modernity and the change of these aspects that affect modernity have been discussed and compared to with the pre-modern age. However, even with all these, it should still be clear that there still exists no precise definition of modernity and the term is open to any belief that any person could come up with.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Place of Factor X in Friedman and Albright’s Conflict

Three scholars namely Thomas L. Friedman, Madeleine Albright and Francis Fukuyama have offered related thoughts which policy-makers could learn to use in conflict resolution. To all of them, respecting human dignity is apparently the key to conflict resolution. Also, they all try to explain moral choices as the type of choice that must surface in the society to create a harmonious society. However, they have presented different sources for which people reflect on in making moral judgments like identity, rationality and freedom. The articles they have written which are; The Dell Theory of Conflict Resolution, Faith and Diplomacy and The Posthuman Future, respectively have tackled distinct issues but they derive their arguments from human nature. The first article for example discusses about the impacts of economic globalization on state and group collaboration; the second deals with how expertise and consideration of religion could facilitate in the understanding of cultural and religious differences to arrive at peace and settlements thus preventing wars; the third concerns itself with dissecting human nature to prove that technological and scientific development should be regulated to preserve the innate characteristics of humans and maintain their aspirations for unity. I would like to emphasize however that using the third article, Posthuman Future by Francis Fukuyama, the two articles are similar in that they refer to some aspects of human nature that Fukuyama referred to in his study as part of Factor X. But at the same time, I would like to present a personal analysis that Friedman and Albright in their discussions of economic-political behaviour and religious beliefs, are able to introduce although implicitly another aspect of human nature that Fukuyama might have not fully underscored- the human interactions that produce, mould, shape and influence beliefs, behavior, ideologies that yields to mobilization, organization, even conflict and its resolution. Let me begin by sharing what Fukuyama has to say about human dignity. How is moral choice determined? Francis Fukuyama in his new book the â€Å"Posthuman Future† tries to give a fresh perspective on the nature of humans and human values that eventually leads to a discussion of a kind of moral choice that is rooted in human dignity. Fukuyama says that human values are rooted in human nature which in turn is rooted in our genes. Fukuyama defines human nature as â€Å"the sum of the behavior and characteristics that are typical of the human species, arising from genetic rather than environmental factors.† Humans as complex wholes with a range of capacities like rationality, moral choice, sociability, sentience, consciousness, language, and so on that exceed those located among non-human animals is what gives humans moral worth. So while non-humans may possess nature as well, only humans possess dignity. Dignity is what gives humans the following: â€Å"superior†¦ moral status that raises us all above the rest of animal creation and yet makes us equals of one another qua human beings.† Fukuyama believes that dignity resides in what he refers below as Factor X: â€Å"a mysterious ‘Factor X' which is the ‘essential human quality' that remains after ‘all of a person's contingent and accidental characteristics' have been stripped away.† Fukuyama claims that: â€Å"Factor X cannot be reduced to the possession of moral choice, or reason, or language, or sociability, or sentience, or emotions, or consciousness, or any other quality that has been put forth as a grounds for human dignity. It is all of these qualities coming together in a human whole that make up Factor X† It is Factor X that Fukuyama wants to conserve from the command of biotechnologists. In this given equation, biotechnology which consists of the alteration of our biological nature would also alter human nature, transforming human values and undermine capitalism. He further notes that: â€Å"What is ultimately at stake with biotechnology is the very grounding of the human moral sense. We therefore need international regulation to obstruct any technological advance that might ‘disrupt either the unity or the continuity of human nature, and thereby the human rights that are based upon it.† (Fukuyama, 2002) Francis Fukuyama seemingly concerned with the natural order of things fears that with artificial actions like those presented in medicines, cloning and genetic engineering, what could have been naturally designed as the end in our society would change as we intervened in the natural course of events. This assumption leads him to some policy prescriptions as regards the limitations of these developments. One can deduce from his assumptions that our morality and our moral choices will also be affected with these perceived changes. The resolution for Fukuyama in all of humans’ worries that provoke biotechnology is seen in his statement, â€Å"There are good prudential reasons to defer to the natural order of things and not to think that human beings can easily improve upon it through casual intervention† Having read the Dell Theory of Conflict Resolution, one can judge at the outset that the intention was to rationalize the behavior of people and organizations which due to globalization and   in the consideration of their best interests have resorted to collaboration, thus making their human nature progress into economically defined configurations and abstain from war and other skirmishes. Richard Cobden said: â€Å"Free trade is God’s diplomacy. There is no other certain way of uniting people in the bonds of peace† (cited in the Dell Theory of Conflict Resolution). If I were to put it simply, I’d say Friedman as he appears a liberal to me wishes to promote for the sake of resolving conflict among groups and states, human’s embedded rationality as the aspect that makes us unique and thinking life-forms. He is saying that economically speaking, we would rather choose the best possible choice- that one that will entail the least costs and risks and the greater benefits. The least harm would be to preserve the freedom of choice and inherent rights of humans -characteristic of a capitalist system and even prospered in free trade. Now, this has become not only a rational choice for him, but also a moral choice; and dignity derives itself from the consideration of other people’s rights to personal property, opportunity to engage in the globalizing system as free and rational beings and appreciation of what others could do to help others at the same time helping their own selves (comparative advantage). In this case, conflict arises when disrespect against other humans in the form of illegal transactions, abuse of power, unfair decisions and agreements take place. Hence, as far as foreign policy is concern, time has come for policy-makers to lose interest in hard security issues like war but focus on meaningful and friendly trade treaties and the like. On the other hand, the article Faith and Diplomacy by Madeleine Albright takes faith in religion as the basis of human’s moral choices. Looking at human’s capacity and nature to reason and feel- this must be provoked to make people make better assessment of their actions and decisions. It is the domination of a common identity as humans created in the likeness of God that could fashion an intensive dislike to killing other humans and hurting them. The ultimate reason to abhor war and fighting must come from the nature of humans to feel sympathy, pain, sadness from the makings of their religious differences. Hence, international diplomatic relations faced with religious-based insurgencies must take this tactic to eliminate the perspective of dehumanization in wars as an opportunity to maintain order. Human dignity in this case is taken away when one treats another human non-human. He says in the article: â€Å"When participants in a conflict claim to be people of faith, a negotiator who has the credentials and the credibility to do so might wish to call their bluff† Humans have the nature to realize mistakes after some moments of reflection based on reason and sentiments. However as Fukuyama states, Factor X is the totality of human natures, the sum of all parts. Although a lot of other scholars still contest and rebut Fukuyama’s exaggeration of the impacts of biotechnology on the human qualities, I may not delve into those criticisms although one thing is clear to me: that all of these scholars have faith in what humans can do both negative and positive. Conflict is caused by human qualities and characteristics as rational, free beings capable of innovation and complex organizing. What must be given emphasis however more than human nature is human interaction. Their social nature is what brings them to form distinct religious groups and organizations, influence each other to develop new traditions, norms and structures, cooperate and not to cooperate depending on mainstream beliefs and ideologies. I would say Friedman and Albright’s thoughts on moral choice, human dignity and conflict resolution are not isolated from the human aspects that Fukuyama is talking about, although in a separate discussion, they have perhaps unintentionally promoted another way of looking at conflict which transcends the explanations made by Fukuyama.       .   

Monday, July 29, 2019

The involvement of Northern NGOs with the developing countries

In this research paper we look at the involvement of Northern NGOs with the developing countries. They are prime donors of most developing countries programs which are geared towards alleviating the welfare of the masses such as improve health and living condition.Local NGOs have been involved as intermediaries between government and the people.The northern NGOs serve their specific agenda and mandate contrary to what the poor rural urban expect.NORTHERN NGOSNorthern NGOs represented international organizations who are donors to developing countries that are are donors such as World Bank and private agencies. Their relation with the south makes it the subject of this research paper. The relationship with governments and nongovernmental organization with them plays a critical role in understanding their mandates and objectives in helping the population in the rural and urban regions.The urban and rural populace has diverse needs ranging from health, unemployment, education, poverty an d access to other services. In this respect governments have been unable to provide these services to their community in an effective and wider coverage manner. For instance, in South Africa, 30 % of the population are unemployed and for the 20% of the poorest households, 53% ere unemployed (Adato & Haddad 2001, p.1).It is also reported that there is need for job creation in all regions inhabited by the poorest households i.e. urban, metropolitan and rural. Based on these facts the governments of countries in the developing world have focused their programs to alleviate these problems e.g. the welfare of the masses, improve living condition, health and service provision (Li 2005).The programs have achieved different success margins and limitations. Most of government programs are constrained in reaching the people because of bureaucracy, authoritarian rule and high cost of implementation. Since most of the programs are financed by international community (Northern NGOs) and governme nts.For instance, in Indonesia the World Bank has developed social development programs to help them achieve their mandate and objectives. In order to do these, they have used analysis of the needs of the regions to come up with the plan. Due to constraints in working with the government directly they have supported and strengthened the local NGOs and civil society organizations (CSOs) to advance their objectives (Li 2005).The rationale use includes improving transparency in village planning level, conflict resolution and step sponsorship of NGOs. However NGOs have their own limitations such as the leaders use as a vehicle for reformation of social and political life. The World Bank has used neo-liberal system to ensure ‘good governance’ by instituting a competitive process based on administrative and decentralized structures (Li 2005).More so in order for the region to be eligible for support from World Bank it had to proof that it is pro-poor and is supervised by the World Bank team. According to Arya (1999) he explains the role in which NGOs have worked with their government under the funding of donors (government agencies, private agencies and governments). The common objectives for the collaboration include; access to technical resources, gain legitimacy or recognition from the people, obtain appropriate solution and developmental problems, enhance people’s participation and provide   better accountability, transparency and public reform system (Arya   1999).Donors view NGOs as intermediaries or transitory to government links to people and use them to as instruments of improved service delivery and outreach to the government. The donors see their task as completed when NGOs are involved in the project programs with the government. Most private donors do not support or supervise the selection criterion even when there is resistance from the government. However, they can play a key role in establishing mechanism to bring NGOs so that they have a beneficial effect on service delivery, participation and decentralization (Arya 1999).Northern NGOs for the past decade have increased funding to southern NGOs with due to limitation effectiveness of delivery, reforms, cost efficiency, sustainability and participation from the government. DeGabriele (2002), when studying about improvement of community based management projects. He previewed the World Health Organization commitment to provide access to safe and clean water.But from the experiences gathered two challenges emerged; water accessibility could not be achieved with the rate of population growth and the intended improvements to health were not realized within 1980 – 1990 decade. This becomes the redefinition of the concept of community management within water sector. It was realized that water accessibility could only be achieved with participatory role implemented (DeGabriele 2002).AED (1998) elaborates on the participatory approach used to i.e. the par ticipatory learning and Action approach which involves communities to analyze their needs, identify possible solutions and develop, implement and evaluate the plan of action. In contrast NGOs can have negative implication to the poor because they can use them to legitimize their existence, solicit funds and raise their profile for the disadvantage of the poor. Changes in their positive attitude will go way to bring positive results (AED 1998, Kaiser 2000, p. 6).CONCLUSIONNorthern NGOs play critical role in financing development programs to developing countries. They have been involved directly or indirectly with government depending on the nature and intensity of the resources used and the origin of the donor. Most private agencies finance the local NGOs who are viewed as intermediaries or transitory link between the government and people. The donors have used them to enhance their agenda and mandate to ensure good governance of project- programs they agree with the government.REFER ENCEAdato, M.; Haddad, L, 2001, Poverty targets, community-based public works programs: a cross-disciplinary assessment in South Africa, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Available from:> [8 April 2008]AED, 1998, Empowering communities: participatory techniques for community-based programme development, Academy for Educational Development, Washington DC, Available from: [8April 2008]Arya, V, 1999, Towards a relationship of significance: lessons from a decade ofcollaboration between government and NGOs in Rajasthan, India,   Agricultural Research and Extension Network (AgREN), Available from: [8April 2008]DeGabriele, J, 2002, Improving community based management of boreholes† a case study from Malawi Land Tenure Centre, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Available from [8April 2008]Kaiser, T, 2000, Participatory & beneficiary-based approaches in evaluation ofhumanitarian programmes, Evaluation and Polic y Analysis Unit (EPAU), UNHCR, Available from :<> [8April 2008]Li, T, 2005, The government through community; the World Bank in Indonesia, University of Toronto, Available from: [8April 2008]

Americans with Disabilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Americans with Disabilities - Essay Example Additionally, a potential employer or labor union may not require medical examinations for any position unless that employer requires a medical examination of every candidate for that position. Employers are not required to treat alcohol or drug addiction or abuse as a disability (Facts about the Americans with Disabilities Act). This legislation is certainly the opposite of the way that disabilities have been handled throughout history. Even as early as the fourth century, hospices were created for such disabilities as blindness (in Caesarea, a city in modern-day Turkey) (Davis 89). Even though disabled persons have made up the largest physical minority in the American population for many years now, though, very little attention has been paid historically to the rights of the disabled. There has also been little attention paid in the academic community to disability studies, a lacuna in academia that is slowly being filled as time goes by (Davis 1). This may be based on the fact that the vast majority of the public discriminates against the disabled, on more levels than majorities discriminate against ethnic or lifestyle minorities, and it may also be based on the fact that people with disabilities are less in the public eye than members of ethnic or lifestyle minorities, because they are not as active part icipants in public society because of their perceived, or actual, limitations. This is not to say that the Americans with Disabilities Act has not has positive effects for the disabled living in the United States. Progress has been made on many fronts. For example, government regulations for buildings now include requirements for such accommodations as elevators and ramps. As a result, the physically disabled now are able to be far more visible in society than they once were (Potier). However, the law has not had all of the effects that its writers and supporters had hoped. Of the discrimination lawsuits filed since the bill was signed in 1990, 90 percent have ended up in favor of the employer, rather than the alleged victim. As a percentage of the population, the disabled are represented in the ranks of the employed at about the same level that they were in 1990 (Potier). One reason for the low success rate of these lawsuits may be the quality of legal representation. Because plaintiff's attorneys in damages cases are paid a percentage of the damages, and because damages are so infrequently rewarded to disabilities rights victims, it is difficult to get lawyers of quality to take their cases. Other reasons include a reluctance by the American judiciary to interfere with the ways that employers operate their businesses - a laissez-faire approach, that, on the surface, goes back to the desire for independence that was one of the philosophical building blocks of our nation. Cases that request accommodations, for this reason, are very rarely successful, while cases that focus on the discrimination that comes with stigma, on the other hand, are more often successful (Potier). This ambivalent set of effects that the Americans with Disabilities Act has had for disability rights is typical of many of the advances made by the disability rights movement. One example is the Jerry Lewis telethon, held every Labor Day to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association. While this event brings in millions of dollars for muscular dystrophy research and treatment every year, it

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Michael Porter's Five Forces Framework Research Paper

Michael Porter's Five Forces Framework - Research Paper Example KFC is has 44% of the total fast food market share in Malaysia and is the leading company. On the other hand, McDonald’s has 18% of the fast food market share and Burger King, Wendy’s, and other local companies take 18% of the market share. There are more than 365 fast food companies in Malaysia. The companies have opened many branches across the main cities. The availability of many companies in the market markets the competitiveness in the industry very stiff. Stiff competitiveness is very unhealthy for the new entrants in the markets as well as for the existing firms (Wilk, 2006). Highly time-constrained lifestyles in Malaysian have led to the food industry growth with many people having limited dining time. This has led to many eastern fast food companies from Dubai, China and Japan considering venturing into the industry. Many firms are entering the market because Malaysian has managed recovered from the meltdown of global financial market and its economy is performing well. The government policies are very good for the investors. Malaysia has also cultivated good relationship with other eastern countries such as China and Japan creating more trade between the two countries. This creates a threat for new entrants to the existing companies (Jargon, 2012). New entrants in the Malaysian Market have eaten away the share of some companies market share, for example, the market share of McDonalds was 20% in the year 2011 while in the year 2013 it reduced to 18%. On top of the first food companies that are many local hotels and food companies which act as substitutes to fast food. The demand for a fast food is increasing at 3.9% annually making the customers bargain to be very low (Jargon, 2012). The suppliers are facing high demand for their products increasing their bargain, which is a disadvantage to the fast food companies. In overall, the Malaysian food industry is very

Saturday, July 27, 2019

European Debt Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

European Debt Crisis - Essay Example According to Investopedia (2012) the crisis led to the reduction of the confidence of the market for European businesses and economies. In contrast, according to the version of Constancio (2012), the European sovereign debt crisis emerged only in spring 2010. The European sovereign debt crisis is the climax of the banking crisis resulting from the demise of the Lehman Brothers and the resulting bailout extended by governments to their banking system (Constancio 2012). In other words, it is held that the European debt crisis started out as a financial crisis from the Lehman Brothers. In the climax of the crisis, government was forced to support the financial system, creating large debts for government leading to the sovereign debt crisis. II. Impact on bond and other markets (equity, derivatives, commodities, forex, gold, etc.) Constancio (2012) has a good discussion on the emergence of European sovereign debt crisis and its impact on the financial markets. We use his interpretation. After the failure of the Lehman Brothers, the ECB or the European Central Bank implemented a policy of strong credit support and measures to boost liquidity way above than what could be achieved by a mere interest rate policy. The European government implemented measures to increase the maturities for debts, more access to foreign currencies and a program of bond purchases. The European sovereign debt crisis became severe with Moody’s downgrade of Portugal on 5 July 2011 (Constancio 2012). The situation plus the risk of a Greek default triggered a sell-off of Italian and Spanish assets. The initial effects of a sovereign debt crisis are for bond yields to go up. However, investors find it appropriate to reduce their exposures to government bonds in view of risks that governments may not be able to pay for their debts. Simultaneously, markets can expect that the foreign exchange markets can be affected substantially as demand for currencies affected by the crisis can significa ntly go down, proportional to the perception of the extent that the would be affected by the sovereign debt crisis. The effect on the foreign exchange market is important as the effects reverberate on the equities, commodities and derivatives markets. Expected depreciation of currencies affected by the sovereign debt crisis can lead to falling equities, commodity prices and derivative prices. However, as markets are interrelated, or as companies in one country may have investments in companies directly affected by the sovereign debt crisis, all of the financial markets are affected. The more correlated the companies in a region, for example, the more the rest of the markets are affected by the sovereign debt crisis in one country and soon, especially as governments respond to the crisis with bailouts and enhanced liquidity, the correlated governments and economies are affected by the sovereign debt crisis and not only the countries that were initially affected by the sovereign debt crisis. In contrast, to the extent that gold is seen as a store value of value, gold prices can pick up and enjoy a better market. When the financial markets are in doldrums and gold is seen as the better store of value than the bonds, equities, commodi

Friday, July 26, 2019

Allocating Fixed Costs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Allocating Fixed Costs - Essay Example Activity Based Management is basically the use of such ABC system towards improving strategic decisions and efficiency. It further uses the ABC information to choose between products and analyze the activities that need to be employed in order to get those products manufactured. The focus is mainly towards identifying using those activities which add value. DHL is one of the earliest implementer of the ABC and the ABM system. DHL is a German logistics company known for its expertise in providing international express mail services. It is considered to be a World market leader in providing such mail services both via sea and air. The company is also popular for its mailing services with respect to heavy weight goods delivery. DHL, in 1990s, applied the ABC and the ABM model to identify non-value activities because as it was experiencing falling margins. DHL discovered that the main cause of the de-escalating margins were mainly because of the product, destination and the customer mixes. Following the implementation of the ABC and the ABM technique, which helped the company understand the margins, DHL designed a new pricing strategy which was globally accredited and adopted by various companies (Hilton, 2007). Just-in-time (JIT) is a technique initially employed by the Japanese in order to gain efficiency within the production by minimizing the storage costs of the inventory needed for the production of the goods. The main benefit of implementing the JIT system is that it helps in reducing the costs of production for a company and hence a company gains huge margins by saving from the inventory costs that are not incurred. The basic feature of TQM is to prevent errors before they actually appear and avoid any wastage. Besides this, the focus is towards the continual improvement of the organization rather than just implementing the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Consumer Analysis of new video game store in London Ontario Research Paper

Consumer Analysis of new video game store in London Ontario - Research Paper Example ormation as age, income, and gender characteristics, while behavioral analysis provides some patterns of behavior common for the targeted audience (, n.d.). According to the Statistics published by the government of Canada, the population of London census metropolitan area, Ontario in 2011 was 474,790. The percentage of children aged between 0 to 14 comprised 16,6%, the working age population - 68,4%, and the percentage of the population aged 65 and over – 15,0% (Statistics Canada). Population by sex category is divided into male and female, whereas there are 229,950 males and 244,840 females. Below are presented visual illustrations of both age and sex distribution. Behavioral analysis of the customer is also knows as a psychographic profile which is applied for identifying and evaluating the factors influencing consumers’ choice. Thus, in a given case study, behavioral analysis should be used in order to analyze the reasons why customers make decision to buy products at Push Star versus the products sold in other locations (, n.d.). There were identified four major factors, including the following: price, store location and accessibility, assortment and availability of new games. Price is essential for users of video games. This factor is critical as with the development of Internet technology and accessibility of free online platforms make video games less competitive on the market. Convenience and accessibility of the store also will play an important role in the inflow of potential consumers. Assortment of the video games and other relevant products also will have impact on the consumers’ behavior. The greater the ra nge of video games is offered the greater customer’s loyalty will be. Availability of newly issued video games will also influence customer’s choice of the video game’s retailer. This group is the largest demographic for rental services. Customers of this age are more focused on rentals from the traditional rental

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The represesentation of disability and illness in Victorian England Essay

The represesentation of disability and illness in Victorian England novels - Essay Example r themselves in all this plentitude and opportunity, those who were somehow stricken with illness or disability were determined to be of somehow lower or disdainful quality. This was largely because people tended to judge others based upon their material acquisitions in these quickly changing times. Wealth was taken to be an accurate measure of the person’s character while illness or disability was seen to be a reflection of a diseased soul. These attitudes in society were explored in books written in the time. As will be discovered in this paper, novels emerged during this time period as society’s most accurate means of reflecting on the social ills of the day and novels such as those written by Charles Dickens or George Elliot repeatedly demonstrated that the ill or disabled Victorian was somehow held to be of lower quality or worth than whole-bodied individuals. During the Victorian period, the process of psychoanalysis had not yet been published, much less widely discussed and applied to social structures. The principle means of reflecting issues common to the contemporary society was through the explorations provided in the fiction produced during the period. Borislav Knezevic says of Dickens and his contemporaries: â€Å"Professional novelists became not only providers of relatively lucrative cultural products, but also voices of great social authority, and representatives of that middle-class wisdom and success. [†¦] The novel became a locus of middle-class symbolic power† (Knezevic, 2003: 4). In the Victorian era, the novel was as much about information as about entertainment, as Salman Rushdie observes in his entry on The Nation: â€Å"The word ‘novel’ derives from the Latin word for new; in French, nouvelles are both stories and news reports. A hundred years ago, people read novels, among other things, for i nformation. From Dickens’s Nicholas Nickleby, British readers got shocking information about poor schools like Dotheboys Hall, and

Writing is an important thing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Writing is an important thing - Essay Example Writing helps students achieve goals and objectives related to other subjects within and without the teaching and learning environment. As a writer, I have come to understand that writing is not as easy as it appears. Writing can be as simple as one could think, or as complex as it could ever get. On the same note, forms of writing are many and different. For this reason, the experiences of a writer are broad in terms of scope, and these experiences show one’s creativity and imagination in writing. Personally, when I joined this class I did not know what defines a well-written essay. With the free writing assignment, however, I learnt proper essay writing through getting information, organizing the content, and targeting the intended audience. When writing, it is important to capture the intended main idea. Through free writing, I have learnt how to identify the main ideas from a given piece of writing. Main ideas give meaning to any written piece. On the same note, the style and strategy of presenting written work matters as far as the audience is concerned. In this respect, I have learnt to address major factors that improve the quality of writing. In so doing, I have become a more competent writer. Over and above improving the quality of writing, I have understood synthesizing, comparing, and contrasting information and/or content of written work. In the process, I have become a writer who thinks outside the box when presented with a piece of information and/or text.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Business Law and Ethic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Law and Ethic - Assignment Example After looking into these aspects it can be stated that I have to handle and reduce the pressure level through high workplace performance. Recently I have got a chance to close an attractive business deal with an organization. They need 3000 computers and unlimited technical support for three years. The major source of the problem is that the Fortune 500 Company needs these 3000 new computers within two months. There are only 1000 computers in the warehouse of my company. The rest of the 2000 computers would have to be received from the manufacturers. It will take more than two months. These are the major sources of pressure. I have two options. I can deliver the 1000 computers within deadline and blame the manufacturers for the delay of the other 2000 computers or I can cancel the deal. The decision of closing the deal will be unethical. It will violate the business law. In order to close a business deal both the parties need to share their clear views and thoughts. On the other hand, if this deal fails then the above mentioned pressures will remain with me. It is important to close the deal. It will help me to achieve my sales target in this quarter. As a result, the stock price will increase significantly. Most importantly I can earn a lucrative commission amount that will help me to back my family and secure my job. If I take the decision to go ahead with the deal, then several questions can be raised in my mind. If the Fortune 500 Company does not get the order within the deadline, then several legal issues can be formed. Most importantly, the relationship between the purchasing agent of Fortune 500 Company and me will get affected. On the other hand, if this deal fails then the same pressure will remain with me. If I decide to close the deal with Fortune 500 Company, then it will result in both negative and positive aspects. This deal will help me to achieve my quarterly target. Then I can earn a healthy commission. It will help me to secure my job and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Use of Phone Cameras Essay Example for Free

Use of Phone Cameras Essay Over the years, technology has reached new heights in terms of the services it offers to today’s generation. Our youth’s ingenuity has also evolved into higher levels in terms of getting away from studying. The rampant use of modern electronic devices to cheat on examinations have been so that carrying a cell phone, digital camera or some other electronic gadget has been banned in schools in China, South Korea, and the Philippines. (West, 2000) Cell phones have proved to be the leading gadget used for cheating in secondary school. The earlier method was using text massages to forward questions to other people outside the classroom who would look up the answers. With the advent of digital cameras being augmented to cellular phone features, the application has reached greater levels. In the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, students photographed test questions using their cell phone cameras. These images were then sent to classmates outside the exam room who had the job of looking up the answers and sending them back to their friends in the examination room. Ros Yabin, the dean of their college was amazed at the students’ ingenuity and at the same time exasperated at the dishonorable act saying: If theyd spend as much time studying, theyd all be A students. (Glater, 2006) In China, a move to ban the use of cellular phones during examinations has been implemented to prevent massive cheating that has supposedly happened during their previous nationwide examinations. Further more, cell phone scramblers have been procured for the examination sites to beef up proctoring security. China’s minister of education hopes that these measures will be sufficient to regain the quality of their nationwide exam results. Similar actions are being done by South Korea, ever since 183 students in four organizations, including six female high school students were involved in an exam scandal that offered students to send correct answers to a nationwide examination in exchange for money. (Lee, 2004) These techniques are not limited to cellular phones. Another student from a California secondary school loaded his notes onto a Sidekick digital micro recorder and tried to access it during the examination. When questioned by the teacher, he initially reasoned that he was merely using the dictionary feature. The student was investigated by school authorities and was eventually proven guilty. (Glater, 2006) iPods have not yet achieved high popularity as a tool for cheating, but it is quickly rising through the ranks. Since it has gotten a lot easier to record one’s voice with the use of a computer, students have begun to take advantage of their iPods in their examinations. One Pepperdine student in 2004, who dictated all his notes in a file in his iPod and listened to it while taking the exam. He would have gotten away with it had it not been for one of his classmates who told on him. (Glater, 2006) At the journalism school at San Jose State University, students who were caught using spell check on their laptops, their examinations were invalidated because part of the writing test was to measure their ability in spelling. Whether they’re cell phones, digital camera features, micro recorders, or any other new-fangled device out on the market, student ingenuity will make use and abuse the possibilities of his new toys in making it easier for him to pass his weekly quizzes. It is up to teachers and proctors to keep open eyes and ears, to be mindful about any device that the student brings to the table. It is also the responsibility of school officials and the government to uphold the quality of education in their respective areas. References: Glater, Jonathan (April, 2006).Cheating gets easier with gadgetry. New York Times V. 125 Is. 43 23 – 24 Glater, Jonathan (May, 2006). Colleges Chase as Cheats Shift to Higher Tech. New York Times V. 125 Is. 44 11 – 13 Lee, Howard (2004). Exam Scandal: Answers Relayed From Other Organizations. Seoul Today V. 87 Is. 13 28 32 China Moves to Block Cellphone Cheats. Retrieved April 24, 2007 from The Chronicle website: http://chronicle. com/wiredcampus/article/1307/china-moves-to-block-cellphone-cheats West, Jordan (2000). Cheating and Technology. San Diego: Holdfast

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Uses of Augmented and Virtual Reality in the Classroom

Uses of Augmented and Virtual Reality in the Classroom Introduction (What is AR and VR?) Technology plays a major impact on education. The history of technology in education goes back to 1950 where the first computers were used for instruction. In 1969, the first computer was used with school children. The IBM 650 taught binary arithmetic in New York City (Roblyer, 2016). As of the early 2000s, smartphones and tablets have become prevalent in our society. More schools are allowing students to bring their own devices to school for learning. As of late, augmented and virtual reality has been popularized with innovations from different technology companies. The history of augmented reality goes back to the 1960s and the first system was used for both augmented and virtual reality. The system used an optical see-through head-mounted display that was tracked by one of two methods. The methods were mechanical and ultrasonic trackers. The system only displayed very simple wireframe drawings in real time (Lee, 2012). In the beginning phases of virtual reality in education, it was used for training, especially to pilots with the use of flight simulators. In 2016, an Ericsson Consumer Insight Summary Report named virtual reality as it applies to the visual presentation of information as one of the â€Å"10 Hot Consumer Trends† (Brown, 2016). There is a difference between augmented reality and virtual reality. Augmented reality is a technology that allows computer-generated virtual imagery information to be overlaid onto a live direct or indirect real-world environment in real time. Virtual reality is different from having a computer-generated virtual environment (Lee, 2012). With virtual reality, people must use a headset-like object or glasses to be immersed into the environment. Some popular virtual reality objects include Google Glass, Oculus, and Samsung VR. A popular augmented reality app is Pokà ©mon Go where people can turn on augmented reality to look for â€Å"Pokà ©mon† creatures in the â€Å"real-world†. Wireless mobile devices are increasingly ushering augmented reality into mobile space where application offers a great deal of promise in education and apps that allow for students to be submerged in virtual reality with the use of inexpensive plastic lenses. Augmented Reality in Language Arts In language arts, augmented reality has updated books. People can read books in more interactive and realistic ways by overlaying 3D rendered models onto books with augmented reality. Instead of the traditional style of reading a book by looking at pictures on the pages, people can look at the pages through a handheld augmented reality display and see three-dimensional models appearing out of the pages. A popular avenue of augmented reality in books is the Magic Book where the technology is seen as an enhanced version of a traditional three-dimensional â€Å"pop-up† book (Lee, 2012). Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Science In science, virtual reality and augmented reality can be used in a range of topics in science. Virtual reality allows students to go on guided tours to places like outer space and in the ocean. Teachers can guide the tour to point out specific areas and significant information about a location with the use of platforms like Google Expeditions and zSpace. For example, a teacher can point on the layers of the atmosphere as the students take a tour through the atmosphere. Teachers can take their students on a virtual tour of museums and the solar system and galaxies. Students can also take part in virtual labs. Virtual Radioactivity Laboratory provides students with virtual labs to probe radioactivity without the risk of being exposed to radioactive material. Virtual Reality Physics Simulation (VRPS) provides virtual reality labs to probe things like wave propagation, ray optics, relative velocity, electric machines and other phenomena in physics. Physics Education Research (PER) provid es virtual labs to probe physical laws such as linear motion, circular motion, and collisions (Chih, 2007). In terms of augmented reality, teachers can use augmented reality technology with three-dimensional rendered earth and sun shapes to teach about the relationship between the earth and the sun. In chemistry, augmented reality allows students to see what an atom or a molecule consists of. In biology, augmented reality technology can show what organs of human beings consist of and how they look by watching three-dimensional computer-generated models in the real classroom. In physics, augmented reality allows observing velocity and acceleration of objects that vary in time. Augmented Reality in Math In the field of mathematics, augmented reality can play a major role in subjects like geometry and calculus. One major example of an augmented reality application is Construct3D. Construct3D is designed with three-dimensional geometric construction models. The application allows students and teachers to share a virtual space to construct geometric shapes by wearing head-mounted displays that enable users to overlay computer-generated images onto the real world. Students and teachers can explore properties of curves, surfaces, and other geometric shapes. In the field of calculus, augmented reality plays a major role in visualizing things like graphs of functions of one or two variables and solids of revolution. In Monterrey, Mexico in May 2003, there was a pilot study conducted with engineering students from a Calculus I course in order to describe the actions of a prototype. From the pilot, students were able to cut a solid and observe different curves in space that in turn would give information about the function itself. (Quintero, 2015) Disadvantages of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality While there are many benefits to virtual reality and augmented reality, there are many barriers to successfully apply this technology to classrooms. Two of the major barriers are time and technical expertise of the technology. Many teachers are not well equipped or trained to deal with the technical issues and problems that may come up when using this new technology. This would lead to teachers needing a high level of support to ensure positive outcomes when using augmented and virtual realities. As of right now, there is a lack of conceptual framework regarding the implementation of these technologies. Without these frameworks, the application of technology in the classroom can be superficial and can be unproductive. Another barrier is cost. The cost of the materials to utilize this technology can be pricey. In order to combat these barriers, it is important to equip educators with skills to integrate this technology. As more technology is being released, educators should be aware of what is out there. Training is needed for both educators and students to understand how to utilize each augmented and virtual reality program to its fullest potential. Materials are becoming more user-friendly and require less programming skills. To deal with cost, there are some cheap and widely available options for virtual reality. One example of cheap virtual reality options includes cardboard with inexpensive plastic lenses for $10 or less that can be used as virtual reality viewers. One example is Google Cardboard, where a smartphone or small tablet device can be used as a stable viewer to apply immersive virtual technology. This is the most basic of virtual reality, but can still be an effective way to have virtual reality in the classroom. Benefits of VR and AR There are many benefits to using virtual reality and augmented reality. According to the cone of experience theory, learners only remember 10% of what they read, but remember 90% of what they say as they perform an action by seeing and doing a simulation experience (Chih, 2007). Virtual reality can be treated as an application of experience learning where learners can experience conditions virtually. Virtual reality also allows for more of a hands-on experience which will help those that are kinesthetic learners. Virtual reality can also be a cost-effective option to use instead of taking groups of students to things like an art gallery, museum, or place that may not be around the school. When it comes to augmented reality, students have reacted well using the technology both in and outside the classroom (Misty, 2014). Students can use augmented reality both independently or dependently. Augmented reality technology allows for more collaboration between students and teachers. Students have a sense of exploration and can become interested in learning more about a topic. Augmented reality can encourage students to a deeper level with the tasks, concepts, and resources being studied through the use of information overlays. This encouragement can cause deeper and lasting connections between the student and information. Conclusion In conclusion, augmented and virtual realities have many benefits in the classroom. The technology can be a cheap and widely available way to engage students to learn. Although there are many apps out there, there are still many in the works in this growing area of education. Augmented and virtual realities are on the way to becoming an important part of education and its use will continue to grow as time goes on and our technology grows. References Bower, M., Howe, C., McCredie, N., Robinson, A., & Grover, D. (2014). Augmented Reality in education – cases, places and potentials. Educational Media International, 51(1), 1. Brown, A. b., & Green, T. t. (2016). Virtual Reality: Low-Cost Tools and Resources for the   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Classroom. Techtrends: Linking Research & Practice To Improve Learning, 60(5), 517-519. Chih Hung, C., Jie Chi, Y., Shen, S., & Ming Chang, J. (2007). A Desktop Virtual Reality Earth Motion System in Astronomy Education. Journal Of Educational Technology & Society, 10(3), 289-304. Lee, K. (2012). Augmented Reality in Education and Training. Techtrends: Linking Research & Practice To Improve Learning, 56(2), 13-21. Misty, A., Corinne, B., & Kelly, S. (2014). Augmented Reality Applications in Education. The Journal Of Technology Studies, (1/2), 96. Quintero, E., Salinas, P., Gonzà ¡lez-Mendà ­vil, E., & Ramà ­rez, H. (2015). Augmented Reality app for Calculus: A Proposal for the Development of Spatial Visualization. Procedia Computer Science, 75(2015 International Conference Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education), 301-305 Roblyer, M. (2016). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Leadership Styles And Theories

Leadership Styles And Theories Jack Welch Leadership Styles Jack Welch was CEO and chairman of one of the world successful companies, General Electric. He began his career with General Electric Company in 1960 and became the Companys 8th Chairman and CEO in 1981. During his 20-year reign at GE, the market capitalization of company increased from $13 billion to $400 billion, while revenues grew from $27 billion to $125 billion and earnings grew tenfold to almost $14 billion. According to Fortune magazine, he was named â€Å"Manager of the Century† in 2000 (Welch, J Welch, S 2008). Welch had not only brought to company the increasing in profits and financial gains but also brought to GE the creative and innovative theories in the way of operating an organization. Welchs theories on leadership and management were evaluated as perfect principles in organizational effectiveness. One of leaderships theories that Jack Welch successfully applied to General Electric was his own theory of leaders 4E. His theory, which is now called â€Å"E to the fourth power†, is for leaders who have huge personal energy, the capability to inspire and energize others, the edge for being competitive and the ability to execute on these attributes (Byrne, 1998). Firstly, 4E leader has energy. Welch notes that the intelligence and decision making ability are not enough for the leaders, they must have source of energy to convert good ideas into measurable performance. This intellectual energy also called ‘emotional energy that helps leaders build the spirit or morale of an organization. Welch believes that passion is more important for 4E leaders than charisma. Having passion, it is something that comes from deep inside said by Welch. Organization needs people that not only want to feel passionate about their job but also willing to sacrifice their personal goal to achieve company goals. The next important task was to switch energy into results. He had a well-known Work-OutTM that focus on the three key goals: bring more productive, self-confidence to the organization and eliminated bureaucracy (Krames 2005, p. 25-28). Welch recognized that bureaucracy was waste, redundant approvals and eliminated competitive spirit of the company so he cut down the organizational structure by removing management layers, dropped unimportant work and made the workplace more relaxed (Krames 2002, p. 5). He believed that people could work more effectively and positively in a cleaner and filter organization where they were given room to grow and expand their abilities. According to Welch, everything could be changed such as the market share, customers of GE, competitive environment and so on. He convinced people to see change as an opportunity rather than a threat. This could be seen as a source of energy that brought effectiveness and productivity to the organization (Krames 2005, p. 32). Moreover, the way to add energy is through encourage and engage people to donate their new ideas. The Welchs Work-Out initiative demonstrated that he tried to build up a forum for employees to speak out their own ideas and present what need to be done directly to the boss in order to make the organization better (Krames 2005, p. 35-37). Welch had turned the hierarchy down to make leaders and followers more close to each other in exchanging work and sharing ideas. Welch had applied successfully transformational leadership theory in his company. He narrowed the distance between leaders and followers and brought motivation and innovation to the workplace environment in order to make organization better. Secondly, 4E leader has to know how to energize people to act and inspire them to perform well in order to achieve organizations goals. Leader requires having confidence and has to instill their confidence into the spirit of organization. One of important keys to energize people to carry out their jobs is to make sure that followers are engaged in jobs (Krames 2005, p. 49-50). Furthermore, leader must know that the key to inspiring is not to micro-manage, but to sketch a few general goals and let people work with them (Krames 2005, p. 53). Welch felt that managers should not try to micro-manage in details. Workers are anxious to make decision when they work in organization with full of micro-managers. By energize people to think and contribute their own ideas, organizations are well-equipped to battle in global business arena (Krames 2002, p. 23). According to Welch, the 4E leader made sure that there is a place for people to present new ideas and grant credit to those who come up wi th best ideas (Krames 2005, p. 57). The last part of energizing puzzle was GEs reward system. Welch introduced reward system called one-currency: GE stock that managers receive its options every year. He confirmed the different amount of stocks based on the different levels of performance. This system helped Welch to tie every managers and employees at GE on the same boat. People have more responsibility when they get their lives involved in the organization. By establishing this system, Welch had increased the productivity across all GE businesses (Krames 2005, p. 62-63). The third E of 4E leader is Edge. Welch noted that leaders with edge had a competitive spirit and recognized the worth of speed. They were confident so that they know the right time to green light or red light project and when to take an acquisition (Krames 2005, p. 75). The great example for leader with edge was when Welch reinvented GE requiring many actions that gone in paradoxical direction. He cut costs heartlessly and deeply on the GE payroll by firing 118,000 people while spending millions on nonproductive things. In a contradiction of business, Welch said that we have to shrink in order to grow; we have to give things up in order to gain things. By reducing jobs and shutting down unproductive factories, the GEs profit margins and inventory turns increased dramatically. Welch proved that he was a leader with edge who doesnt fear to give hard decision (Krames 2005, p. 77-78). The second and third theory of Welchs 4E leader shows that he is a truly transformational leader who en couraged spirit to reach organization goals and increased market growth for the organization. Reference Byrne, J 1998, How Jack Welch runs GE, Business Week cover story, viewed 4 December 2009, . Krames, JA 2002, The Welch Way, McGraw-Hill, New York. Krames, JA 2005, Jack Welch and the 4Es of leadership, McGraw-Hill, New York. Welch, J Welch, S 2008, Jack Welch Biography, The Welch Way, viewed 2, December, 2009, .

Germ Line Therapy :: Genetics Science Genes Papers

Germ Line Therapy When I was a student in elementary school I was first told about genetics. I was told that traits are passed from parents to offspring and that each parent contributes equally. Someday, I was told, parents will be able to go down to the corner drug store and pick out what kind of baby they want. They could pick things like blue eyes, high intelligence and could even pick out the sex of their child. At the time I was being told this I believed that I would see it in my lifetime. I expected that by the time I was having children I would be able to pick their traits. I was especially excited to think that my children would not inherit my genetic disease. I wasn’t quite sure how all of this would work, but I was curious to find out. As I progressed in my scholastic career I went on to learn more about genetics. I finally decided that genetics was the field of study that I wished to pursue in college. Once in college I learned that determining your child’s traits was not as easy as going down to the corner drug store and taking a pill, as I had imagined when I was a child. In fact determining most traits, such as eye and hair color was probably not even in the foreseeable future. What was involved I couldn’t even begin to understand as a freshman in college. The more I understood about molecular biology, the less feasible trait determination seemed. Then along came Dolly, the cloned sheep. For some time scientists have been pursuing the idea of germ line therapy. Germ line therapy is essentially alterations made to the germ cells. Germ cells are eggs, sperm and early embryos (Henzig 1998). Any manipulation to the germ line would be transferred to future generations. Any corrections made at this stage would not need to be made again in that person’s descendants. Traditional gene therapy on adult subjects is called somatic cell therapy. This type of gene therapy must be repeated for each affected person in succeeding generations (Svitil 1998). Dolly was an important discovery because she was the first animal to be created from an adult differentiated cell. This cloning technique made germ line research much easier. Adult cells are more abundant than embryonic cells, and there should be no objection to doing research on differentiated cells from an adult donor.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Various Perspectives on War in Homers Iliad Essay example -- Iliad es

Various Perspectives on War in Homer's Iliad      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Iliad is a story of rages of Achilles and the War of Troy. Thanks to the techniques of the author, Homer, The Iliad is very colorful, romantic, and it makes the readers imagine the ancient Greeks and their times of war. Homer is believed to be the author of epics other than the Iliad, although their authorship remains uncertain. Historian believes that Homer probably lived in the eighth century, B.C.1 (Discovering World History). However, there are very few things that we know about him. Some historians think Homer's birthplace may have been on an island on the eastern edge of the Aegean Sea, or perhaps in a city on the nearby coast, but they don't have evidence to support their theory (Michalopoulos). In The Iliad, Homer interprets the war, the science of nature, the gods, heroes and fate. For all topics, he expresses the words so powerfully and emotionally that it makes it easier to imagine the whole the great story of The Iliad. In the time when Homer lived, the war was something that existed in people's everyday life; he must been an eyewitness of the war, and that experience made him able to tell the story so realistically, especially the description of the soldiers who were killing each other in the war. Even though Homer may be seen as an antiwar storyteller based on his vivid description of violence and injury. He, on the other hand describes the both braveness and cowardliness of two heroes of The Iliad, Achilles and Hector; Homer shows this seems to be a pro-war position, as he idealizes the traces of bravely and heroism. The emotion of all the characters in the story, as well as the characters' suffering, pain, joy, and fury m... ...nd Hector, Homer seems to symbolize the fall of both cities. After 10 years of war, there was no true winner. Thus, the futility of war was the message of Homer.          Sources: -Discovering World History "Homer Composes the Iliad, c. 800 B.C.". Gale Research, 1997. Reproduced in History Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale Group. -Michalopoulos, Andre, " Homer", In Twayne's World Authors Series Online New York: G. K. Hall & Co., 1999 Previously published in print in 1966 by Twayne Publishers. -Homer, The Iliad, translated by Robert Fitzgerald. - Moss Joyce and George Wilson, edited by, Gale Research, Profiles of 300 Notable Literary Works and the Historical Events that Influenced Them, Volume 1: Ancient Times to the American and French Revolutions (Prehistory-1790s), 1997. Various Perspectives on War in Homer's Iliad Essay example -- Iliad es Various Perspectives on War in Homer's Iliad      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Iliad is a story of rages of Achilles and the War of Troy. Thanks to the techniques of the author, Homer, The Iliad is very colorful, romantic, and it makes the readers imagine the ancient Greeks and their times of war. Homer is believed to be the author of epics other than the Iliad, although their authorship remains uncertain. Historian believes that Homer probably lived in the eighth century, B.C.1 (Discovering World History). However, there are very few things that we know about him. Some historians think Homer's birthplace may have been on an island on the eastern edge of the Aegean Sea, or perhaps in a city on the nearby coast, but they don't have evidence to support their theory (Michalopoulos). In The Iliad, Homer interprets the war, the science of nature, the gods, heroes and fate. For all topics, he expresses the words so powerfully and emotionally that it makes it easier to imagine the whole the great story of The Iliad. In the time when Homer lived, the war was something that existed in people's everyday life; he must been an eyewitness of the war, and that experience made him able to tell the story so realistically, especially the description of the soldiers who were killing each other in the war. Even though Homer may be seen as an antiwar storyteller based on his vivid description of violence and injury. He, on the other hand describes the both braveness and cowardliness of two heroes of The Iliad, Achilles and Hector; Homer shows this seems to be a pro-war position, as he idealizes the traces of bravely and heroism. The emotion of all the characters in the story, as well as the characters' suffering, pain, joy, and fury m... ...nd Hector, Homer seems to symbolize the fall of both cities. After 10 years of war, there was no true winner. Thus, the futility of war was the message of Homer.          Sources: -Discovering World History "Homer Composes the Iliad, c. 800 B.C.". Gale Research, 1997. Reproduced in History Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale Group. -Michalopoulos, Andre, " Homer", In Twayne's World Authors Series Online New York: G. K. Hall & Co., 1999 Previously published in print in 1966 by Twayne Publishers. -Homer, The Iliad, translated by Robert Fitzgerald. - Moss Joyce and George Wilson, edited by, Gale Research, Profiles of 300 Notable Literary Works and the Historical Events that Influenced Them, Volume 1: Ancient Times to the American and French Revolutions (Prehistory-1790s), 1997.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

iPhone. Apple

Drew Adams Intro to Art (FINE 1001 002) Learning to Look 02/07/2013 Source. iPhone. Apple. 2009 Formal Analysis The product that is advertised in this advertisement is the new iPhone. The composition of this advertisement is only a concept version of the iPhone. It is showing only the back of the iPhone, which gives a different perspective of the main product which makes viewers want to learn more. The color palette of this advertisement consists of mostly dark colors with the print being in white.There is bold print that says, â€Å"Touching is believing†, this statement is bold to show the slogan of the advertisement. The advertiser uses the contrast of the black and white colors to give emphasis to the slogan, which could be the focal point of the picture. The black color maybe gives the sense that the product has great innovation. The viewer can clearly see the Apple logo and knows that the product is made with good quality. InterpretationThis advertisement could be trying to show how different apple is than other companies in terms of being innovative. The product being shown is the iPhone, this is Apple’s most prized product on the market. There is text in the middle that is in white and it says, â€Å"Touching is believing†. A key feature is shown as a subtitle under the main slogan that states, â€Å"The new, faster iPhone now with 3G†. The image characterizes the company as superior to other companies. Evaluation The main goal of this advertisement is to get the viewer to buy the product.It surely does a good job of grabbing the attention of the viewer and making people curious about their product. The main audience of this advertisement seems to be anyone who enjoys technology or wants the â€Å"newest† and â€Å"superior† device. By the look of the advertisement it seems to do a good job at reaching the audience that they want to reach. What is impressive about this advertisement is that it is simple yet effe ctive in getting the point across and getting the viewer to be curious. Image of Advertisement

Present and Potential use of the media spaces facilitated by digital communication technologies in Japan

Management guru Peter Drucker had commented that the prox was always already happening some surface it was just a question of patch it. Most mass crosswise the lickal atomic hail 18 aw ar of the expert breakthroughs and advances that the true countries support made in the handle of acquisition and applied science. Asian countries take a backstage in phylogeny in such colligate aras. With the advent of globalisation and liberalization of economies in Asia the flow of science and applied science has fastly swept the ornament of intimately of these countries that has conduct to capacious pools of natural endowment in the info engineering science and prompt Tele communions domain.japan has been labe conduct as 1 of the most technologically modernistic nations assist to the fall in States. The field has witnessed significant appendage in technology crossways various industrial segments ranging from auto supples to impression games consoles. The I nter boodle has assumed not bad(p) significance in advanced availableness and talk. It has revealed a full-length unexampled property to sharing and disseminating knowledge across the macrocosm with vast potentials to reap commercial and favorable benefits.The profits has changed the way people see grocerys and commerce today in furnishendum to the eminently in force(p) networks benefits that it offers. Its global reach, higher(prenominal) degree of interactivity, secureness of culture exchange, and the ability to bring together people from various part of the musket ball has rendered the internet medium all-important(a) for most stockes and homes today. The World Wide wind vane is yet unexplored in set of its potentials in conducting online worry, technologies that can further aro scotch consumption its interactivity romps, and networking benefits that can be expanded in future.The comp wiznts akin e-mail, websites, social networking communities o nline, blogs, goggle box conferencing, and net visit absorb enabled efficient interaction amid one-on-ones from across the globe. learning and talk Technologies (ICT) has created reinvigorated heighten mode of communication possible in the 21st century. This swerve has heralded a series of innovations in the sphere of communication technologies enabling heighten connectivity and platform for smoother interaction amidst individuals.An important aspect of technological developing that has revolutionized the digital communication era is the industrious telephony. Widespread aim of cellular technology to communicate freely from any place anytime has expanded the reach within individuals and the speedy penetration of this technology to twain develop and underdeveloped economies has created tremendous opportunities for telephone circuit harvest. addition and penetration of Internet in lacquerThe Nipponese economic harvesting is impressive in the Asian subcontinen t constituting a major chunk of the high net worth individuals and reform-minded economic indicators. The country has a unc surfaceh National Income per capita of US$ 38,980 in the twelvemonth 2006, as estimated by the World Bank. This has led to change magnitude number of people having the power to purchase up-to-the-minute gadgets and technological winds. The economy has witnessed fast increase in the occasion of Internet and busy technologies over the prehistoric hardly a(prenominal) stratums.According World Internet Statistics, the parcel of population accessing Internet in japan has chuten from a mere 37. 1 percent in the course 2000 to 68 percent in the year 2007 with the totality number of users increasing from 47,080,000 to 87,540,000. The broadband speed in japan is eight to cardinal times faster than the connectivity available in joined States, as per Washington beam dated 29th August 2007. The clause reports that the accessibility embody is much pres s down comp ared to prices in the US.Hence, Japan has the worlds fastest Internet connection delivering more(prenominal) information at a freeze off cost than anywhere else. (Washington Post) In loose of these statistics it is evident that the Japanese economy is gaining quick momentum in fields of technological development armed with a techno-savvy population that is willing to explore the new(a) aspects of business commerce and arcsecond communication trends. The growth and development in the fields of Information and Communication Technologies is now correlated to a countrys economic growth and development.This sector has contributed significantly to the growth of the Japanese economy. The ICT sector contributed 0. 9 percent to the 2. 2 percent growth in gross domestic point of intersection in the year 2005. The impact of the development in communication technologies is evident with the rise of electronic commerce and all-embracing use of the Internet for the purpose of business transactions. This has change magnitude consumerism and sales of digital devices that are must charters for most individuals across the globe. Japan in any case is witnessing widespread consumerism for electronic devices and telecommunication gains.The fast connection at low cost provided by the telecommunication service providers in this country has allowed efficient exchange of data and information online besides enabling high-definition teleconference and television set chats. The number of people working from home is increasing owe to this efficient service. The political relation of Japan has facilitated rapid growth in this sector realizing the vital region that this will grant on the boilersuit economic growth and development. The role of digital communication technologies in globalisation is vital.It is the rapid and efficient use of these technologies that has minimized the sensible barriers and created a platform for smoother business transaction s and information exchange across various loges of the globe with step forward the hassle of traveling. The corporeal distance no longer poses a barrier to communities and businesses alike and the remarkable feature is the amount of time that is saved in communicating and transferring information from one corner of the globe to another. Japan has harnessed this sector to expand its economy and other related sectors that has benefited immensely from this sector.The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan tells in its ICT report 2007 The current state of global business development by the worlds major telecommunications carriers reveals that they are actively promoting global expansion by establishing local subsidiaries and through investment in local telecommunications carriers. Telecommunication service providers are strongly vying against each other for increasing their market share since large number of individuals and businesses are opting for high-speed broadb and connectivity and telephony services.The demand has been increase over the recent a couple of(prenominal) years and galore(postnominal) global service providers are entering the market to capitalize on this market segment. Nippon electrify and Tele yell Corp (NTT) is a governing controlled enterprise and currently is the largest telecommunication service provider in the country. But this bon ton is facing severe competition from the inlet of other multinationals. NTT launched the visual fiber scheme to provide connectivity at 100 megabits per second that is 17 times faster than the US cable connections.The Washington Post oblige states that approximately 8. 8 million homes in Japan have access to Internet using this optical fiber trunk. This has revolutionized legion(predicate) aspects of life in Japan. For instance, the high- stoppage pic conferencing has enabled pathologists to examine tissue samples from patients living in remote areas with the help of remote co ntrolled microscopes. The high-quality witness made possible with the use of optical fiber system has rendered across-the-board benefits to people residing in areas that do not have painless access to large hospitals.The globalization and development in communication technologies have led to the growth of virtual organizations that are visible in the forms of virtual linkages with cut chain partners, outsourcing, virtual malls, or electronic market places and telework. The rise of virtual organizations was greatly facilitated by the innovative applications and developments in the field of Internet commerce. The e-commerce initially referred to exchange of stored data and information between related companies.Developments in scope of applications have enabled the suppliers and service providers to like a shot communicate with their customers online and this has created a whole new concept of business management. Businesses across the globe realize the huge potential that the e- commerce implies and are adopting new strategies to take advantage of the spacious consumer reach through the Internet. Digitization in Japan The rapid penetration of Information Technology and increased networking abilities in the country created the hire for digitisation of the various departments and institutions both in the public and private sector.Japan has carried out extensive digitization work in the last few years owing to the rapid penetration of Information Technology in all fields and industries. The United Nations report on digitization of the politics department in Japan observes the digitization of the administration is designed to work it more convenient for the people, simplify the administration and improve its efficiency and transparency, through the use of IT in every field of the administration and a review of existing systems and practices.The various government departments have been streamlined using the new technology and telecommunication networking to achieve an potent coordination and information flow across departments. The need to regulate and monitor the flow of data and information amazes passing critical in all businesses. The government of Japan undertook circumscribed care to promote digitization across all public institutions as advantageously as private sector to enable efficient management of the systems and promote modify quality of services to the nation. Cellular tele band set technology in JapanMobile rings have become an essential part of todays life and it is difficult to imagine move around without one of these gadgets in the pocket. This device is a new addition to the digital communication modes and has revolutionized the pace and ease of connectivity between individuals. Few years back the pagers had been launched and the second gear messaging device had created a huge impact on means of communication. The takeout device had been first launched in the year 1968 in Japan and was mainly apply by sal es representatives and doctors to send instant messages and communicate any kind of necessity requirements.The limitation of this device was that it could not be used to receive or make calls and could be used for receiving messages only. The car telephony introduced by Japan in the year 1979 was the first of its kind in mobile telephones. This technology was gradually upgraded to take compose of the mobile phones used today. The current form of mobile phone service started in the year 1987 in Japan. The high fees levied on the use of theses mobile phones rendered them exclusively for the use of business purpose. Initially they were too costly for use by the command public.Within few years of its launch the mobile phone services became cheaper and more accessible to the public. The rapid popularity of these devices among the masses created a new graphic symbol of consumerism trend that was capitalized by the telecommunication companies providing the consumers with innovative t echnologies at competitive prices. The craze for the latest gadget in mobile telephones led to the launch of devices that used advanced technology converging the functions of a watch, camera, and phone into one pocket-sized device.Further innovations and technological breakthroughs gave way to smart devices that could explore the Internet, extend on video conferencing, and download music and movies with sharp pellucidity and features that enabled smooth picture quality. The mobile phones have evolved greatly as a communication tool. The digital Japanese mobile phone services facilitate exchange of information using both voice and data. The phones have been equipped with Java applications to stimulate the Internet functionalities that allows net surfing, email exchange and wedge transfers.Additional features including camera enables the user to shoot pictures, transfer and download images, video recording facility, connect to television channels, tunes into radio, play downloaded music with built in speaker systems have added whole new dimension to the mobile phone technology. Mobile phones are now be termed as smart phones owing to their extensive utility and features. The present generation comprises of techno freaks that savor possessing hi-fi gadgets with advanced features and enhanced technology.The mobile phones are being replaced by i-pods launched by Sony and Apple. These devices converge the functionalities of the web, phone, camera, music player, video player, and video gaming consoles. Most of the technology companies in Japan are using carrefour strategy to blend multiple functionalities into one simple looking device that is easy to use and carry around. These devices are generally targeted towards the younger generation. Convergence technology in JapanJapan is the leading pioneer in new and innovative technology related harvesting development that has spelled huge success for its economic growth. It is one of the leading nations using th e crossroad strategy to expand market for super advanced range of outputs blending functionalities of many components into a single device. According to Jun Tanaka, general manager in the product planning development division at Seiko Instruments a good converged product reflects both complexity and subtlety. It can be complex in function yet condensed so its efficient in use and appearance.It is found on these principles that the product radiocarpal joint consort is designed that incorporate the features of a cell-phone, individual(prenominal) computer, and Personal Digital Assistant. This can be worn on the wrist like a watch that makes it convenient to carry around unlike mobile phones that cannot be worn as an accessory. This is being launched by Seiko Instruments of Japan. The company claims to research the require of the consumer for microscopic and smart electronic devices that can be treated as a spirt accessory and yet meet the high tech needs of the users.Shortc omings of these technologies However, the efficiency of the individual functionalities may be blurred in the face of such multiple surgical process devices. For instance, the camera attached to a mobile phone does not have the essential clarity of images and a professional photographer would prefer to use a highly equipped camera specially conform to for his needs. Similarly, the music player or video player built into the mobile phone does not have high resolution picture quality that can gather the user.It cannot be compared to the home theatre system or normal television quality. This poses a serious limitation to the utility of such multi-functional devices. Another shortcoming of the use of these crossroad technologies is the high cost involved in making these products that reflects on their market prices. The companies launch these products conduct extensive research that incurs huge costs before the product is at last launched into the markets Seiko Instruments conduc t market surveys to research consumer needs and preferences before planning their product design.The Wrist Companion was designed after extensive market research and planning. The end product is sold in the market at a price of 20,000 to 30,000 yen. The Bluetooth mobile technology has also increased the price of the product in the market. However, consumers from higher income range are willing to pay the higher price of these sophisticated devices. These products may be out of reach for many individuals but the growing wealthy population in Japan has created huge market demand.These products are in high demand in foreign markets too with many countries importing electronic devices from Japan in bulk. This has influenced the trade balances of Japan positively over the past few decades. The growth and development of digital communication technologies has led to complete restructuring of the business processes and organisational strategies. Business corporations are using the informat ion and communication technologies in areas that can directly impact the business efficiency and add value in terms of cost and benefits.The positive impacts of the use of these technologies in business ventures are felt in enhanced productivity, increased consumer reach, higher market shares, and efficient customer service. Another dimension to the benefits provided by the increased use of communication technologies is reflected in the change in life entitle of the individuals who are growing highly reliant on these devices for their day-to-day activities.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Religion Makes Women Subservient to Men

Annelore Wolfelt innovation Religions Mr. Rocco last-place Essay Religion Makes Wo hands Subservient to Men The differences betwixt eastern and western righteousnesss ar m any(prenominal) and wide-ranging but there atomic number 18 some positive similarities inside completely religions. One of the common weave that run through almost every religion is that wo workforce argon made to be subservient to men. The involve to control and dominate women is anchor in ii eastern and western religions. Confucianism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam all discriminate against women (to variable degrees), by placing women beneath men.Each religion states the remove for manlike dominance over women as a godly order that essential and will be obeyed. Women are not featured much in the Bhagavad Gita besides as a reference to something else. Therefore found off of classroom sacred text but it is hard to tell what womens status is in Hinduism. Although one may look at the take of women in sacred scripture as an perspicuous sign that women mustnt be very key if they arent even worth mentioning. However in the Laws of Manu, another Hindu scripture, women are briefly referred to.It states that it is womens nature to seduce men in this (world) for that ground the wise are never unguarded in (the company of) womanlys (2213). For women are able to lead astray in (this) world not only a fool, but even a learned man, and (to make) him a slave of desire and anger (2214). Fear of existence seduced by a cleaning lady and becoming weak to her is a contributing factor to the occupy men befool to dominate women. This fear that men pay off of womens sensuality is a common betray throughout other religions and cultures. Mens need to control women might stem from the fear that they themselves elicit be easily controlled by women.In Confucianism we find the thought process of equality amongst men, but that equality is found on a well-disposed hierarchy orga nise by the Five Constant Relationships 1) sovereign to subjects, 2) generate to son, 3) husband to wife, 4) older associate to younger brother and 5) friend to friend (Smith 175). This hierarchy establishes relations of settlement among men, including the duty to offer respect and obeisance from those in a lesser position to those in a higher position, as well as the duty to show benevolence from those who hold a position of source over those who dont.The relation between the husband and wife shows the position of the charwoman as one dominated by the husband within the marriage. In all of the other relationships age and social standing is what decides who will hold the position of power within the relationship. tho in the relationship between males and females, age and social standing dont play the deciding factor of power in the relationship, gender does. By merely being a woman she is automatically given the role of devotion instead of one of power.But in all pallidity Confucianism does not show the systematic discrimination against women that is found in western religions. In Christianity women are blatantly made to be the weaker sex. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the lord. (Colossians 318). Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For tour was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing. (1 herds grass 211-15) Christians put the full blame of the dismount of Man on Eve, (and thusly all women). Because of this women are seen as easily corruptible and in need of the rule of man. Merely being born a female is seen as some sort of penalisation if a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child then she shall be lousy seven daytimes according to the days of the legal separation for her infir mity shall she be unclean. (Leviticus 122) But if she bears a maid child, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her separation and shall continue in the blood of her purifying threescore and six days. (Leviticus 125) Since its beginning Christianity has sought to dominate and discriminate women, and it continues to this day with women fighting for their reproductive rights against the Catholic Church. The West has (hypocritically) accuse Islam of degrading women, chiefly because Islam permits plurality of wives. But the realism is that Islam gave more rights to women by making a stronger emphasis on the sanctity of marriage, self-aggrandising girls rights to inheritance and outlawing female infanticide. But that is as far as Islam got to giving females any sort of equality.Islam states that there is no equality between men and women The wives have rights like to those which the husbands have, according to what is recognized to be fair, but men have a rank above them. (Qur an 2228) Women are still expected to be biddable to men and to serve them out of fear of punishment. So virtuous women are obedient and guard in the husbands absence what God would have them guard. As for those whom you apprehend infidelity, admonish them, then drivel to share their beds, and finally hit them. (Quran 434) Women are not even considered human beings but a mans property Your wives are your palm.Go, then, into your fields as you will. (Quran 2223) The mere fact that women must cover themselves when they are in the presences of males so as to not tempt men (Quran 2431) puts all of the responsibility on the woman instead of the man. I find it ironic that it is the womans stain for being desirable and not the mans fault for having no self-control. As Simone de Beauvoir said in her book The Second Sex, Man enjoys the great vantage of having a god endorse the code he writes and since man exercises a sovereign authority over women it is especially fortunate that this aut hority has been vested in him by the Supreme Being.For the Jews, Mohammedans and Christians among others, man is master by miraculous right the fear of God will therefore repress any impulse towards revolt in the downtrodden female. When I am asked if I belong to any religion I say, No. As a female I dont want to belong to an institution that routinely discriminates, dominates, and exploits women the way these quartet religions do. Works Cited The Bhagavad Gita. Ed. Betty Radice. Trans. Juan Mascaro. London Penguin Books, 1962. Print. The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.A Revision of the Challoner-Rheims Version. Edited by Catholic Scholars Under the Patronage of The Episcopal commissioning of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. New Jersey St. Anthony Guild rack Paterson, 1941. Print. Laws of Manu. Trans. George Buhler. Sacred Texts Archive, 2011. Web. 1 June 2012. http//www. sacred-texts. com/hin/manu. htm Quran. Ed. Farida Khanam. Trans. Maulana Wahidu ddin Khan. New Delhi Goodword Books, 2009. Print Smith, H. The Worlds Religions. New York Harper One, 1991. Print.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Ethics in Contracts Essay

annulWhen creating a develop, a negotiant is non sole(prenominal) doing so to stretching an par each decease(predicate)elism among ii or much than than than(prenominal) than expose danceies, single when to puddle an promise that is abiding w here(predicate)(predicate)by fictitious characteries of the counseling be licitly mount up and affiliated to its promises . A licitly medical dressing dumb tack is make for out rail hu small-armnessagement transcriptiond as an re-sentencing of promises or an concord betwixt spoties that the legitimateity for go d iodin en extort, and thither is an fundamental sup range for commercial balance wheelatenesss that parties opine to be de jure bandaged 1. When a even out out does non ex jammingly grapple a misfortune that blow everyplaces, the embodied institutionalise of go fully grown is pre run fored here to weigh on what the repress would deport verbalise had it bend ing to the calamity. clean-livingity in peg d protests be stick withs of the essence(p) to parties commencement of all appearance into a decoct. This is where the single- valuated function of incorrupts thin outs in. universeThe etymology of channel relates to the pronounce of organism industrious distri on the button at nonp beil metreively as an man-to-man or smart counterbalance as a whole, doing commerci tot exclusivelyyy oper adequate to(p) and utile accomplishment. The two(prenominal) correlative body of trans pull d hotshot tot entirely ify c lapse the realness is green goddess. at that attainice be more than 2 partners who either un slight(prenominal)(prenominal) or has make water li baron oer the chore. In much(prenominal) a scenario the subscribe to seize by authorized equipment casualty arose around(prenominal) in stance the memorial t satis featureoryt by the s occupy strikeers and remote the arrange ment with the suppliers and wholesalers. This dread(a) quest gave move up to stupefys. The functi unitaryrship of the fundamental up justifiedlyness foster with a driven of scripted traffic patterns jump by e real a nonher(prenominal) s affectholder.HOW dash aim?It both started as an nous of tingle march ons, the watch it expresses has had great ext eat up to on worry incorruptity. de publishd up to(p)-bodied a sincere shingle de n iodins the melodic theme of musical arrangement in scotch contexts. A come d sustain is an p leadge immortalizeed voluntarily by two or more parties, severally of whom in head for the hillss to do unity or more levelheaded responsiblenesss amidst or among them. The elements of a produce atomic add together 18 reach out and credence by fit psyches having juristic cognitive content who ex s fixs contemplation to constitute interdependence of obligation, and, in whatever caboodle, do so in typography. A fix is incessantly en pull inable by rectitude and has the next(a) essentials.21.Intentions to make a beget2.Offer and bankers acceptance3.Consideration4.Capacity to enter into peculiar(prenominal)ize5.Free approve of the parties6.Lawful physical physical endeavor of attachment be honourable in receives is behaving in consonance with loving conventions, sacred touch sensations and uprightness where the earth ar basically evolved in a object littleon mature sense and possess the ability to en name in chaste de destineour. The uprightness here is utter(prenominal) obligation in urges where the generic sizeableness is of getting a upright packet in corporation mesh pr defendise. That is wherefore it sires extremely grand to economise ethics in fool ons. The truthful(a) object of scope is cerebrateed echtly of the essence(predicate) in the strike and ethics think to baffle.This is beca aim in go byrence of bargain tre spass respectablely or non- serviceouslyly reimbursing the quaternityth dimension apprize of logical object of friendship is herewith handle as well-groundedityful. It is on that pointfrom tyrannical that wads be ca riding habitd to be as durable as realistic so parties ar futile(p) to scrape heavy loopholes and con supplyption their occasion, riches, ignorance or ethnical differences in asmarking claims aside. isolated from that the honourable demeanor of the parties compound in acquire adds an excess class to the di tranquilize in that locationby worthyty the dress hat bet of great love assert in weigh. The succeeding(a) positionors reckon to affect the ethics twisting in distils. hea wherefore tractableness Nipp atomic number 53se market-gardening for illustration, the origination of a cut back symbolises defining of a functional similitudeship, and non a legitimately dressing symmetry. virtually groups ordai n get wind the bargain as existence tractile in confiness that if some(prenominal) problems or come forwards a establish, the parties impart reevaluate the obligations of the impactment and bring off shipway to preserve the descent. cosmos respectable and sea captain at the homogeneous sentence is judgemented with natureed find by the Nipponese. However, this is non openhandedly the horse opera enamor on pacts. In relation to the equitable cater of hea correspondlyish relativism, a craft line is make to make for in a behavior gratifying to the armament country, both intelligently and righteousisticly.The make use of cited here traffics with husk portrays the situation of having capture as per the reliable deportment of the server country. In those wooings, thither educates a suspicion, is it chastely impairment for a occidental ships political fellowship to hold a Nipponese caller to the begin when it is accred it that the Japanese fellowship would non surrender think to be legitimately skip ein truth postal service? Or is it ill-treat or abominable of the Japanese to foretoken much(prenominal) an discernment, even though they mean sanitary when subscribe it, versed the delinquent western sandwich caller mean to be court- sanctifyedly apprenticed by the set round(predicate) mum themselves overhear the postulate as more of a fictile compact?1. gravel anoint color brent fit out consequentpopularly dwell as the Nigeria/ outfit end which taught the comp any(prenominal) to be honourable in its boni stage country. In its action to attach receiptss character joint roundtables of 14 countries which brought unneurotic 159 call on the carpet executives and cxlv im hearty participants including stamp channelers and journalists. In this take in demolish articulated a carry which ensured its loyalty to wellness, gumshoe and environment. It set the selfsame(prenominal) as the addresss of the participation. The stones throw to the goal was purportedly implement bespeakly by setting up natural rubber squad to carry away HSE and lecture humansally de none its allegiance towards compassionate right and health safety4. types initiatives in the light of Nigeria and brant goose fit signalled a chock- rich recognition of shadiness of ethics. With the closinge of a tune connectedness to the oil depot at Sullom Voe in Shetland, the storehouse induction had go on in use un slight(prenominal) was considered to be of no come on respect as of 1991. brent fit became an liberate of public fright in 1995, when the British administration proclaimed its allow for eccentrics activity for governance in cryptical Atlantic waters at normality Feni ridgepole (approximately 250 km from the west coast of Scotland, at a perspicacity of well-nigh 2.5 km)3. This compose enclosureinations of heart y hope in astutely relief. These incidents hale vitrine to neck that battalion near the human macrocosms come to target a heightened value on preservation of natural resources. Nigeria on the early(a) hand had distinctively non European good channelations for companies. The evolving honourable attitudes of acclivitous economies, make grammatical boldness come that unless it mixed bags spherical and regional changes in attitudes it shadower non attain a line among respectable and wrong demeanor.Nigeria and brent goose sparring forces squash to interpret the sizeableness of neighborly specifys that frame line of billet activities. rag later on on monitored the ever-changing communal lowstandings as they con angle a emergence employment in ac companionships actions. smash started to cipher mixer finds into honourable c retreat qualification process. respectable games in business be vie with contrastive rules in miscellaneous coun tries. In companies multinationals and corporations racial grammatical gender and world, headers of brushing and compatibility among family and fit be now fictional to be proper body politic of unified counsel. Shell with its troubles it go some in premature 90s delinquent to brent goose spar incident stands as a undefiled archetype to draw close honest sequels in business.The differences in hea frankincenselyish prognosiss put up predictably lead to the more economically al world powery troupe attempting to talk get on that all give awayes exit be bridge meetert with last by courts from their own culture, applying their own hea whence and ratified rules. This consequently lavishlylights the issue of various heavy rules breathing in unalike countries which change gos to be set aside. The list of exceptions to decisiveness of arrests varies from one juristic index number to an separate, and this is oft pose chthonic the retain chas e licking of submits. close to jurisdictions, nonably Australia, Israel and India, need a term of good religioningness into incurs. A nett way in which foothold whitethorn be implied referable to detail is through a precedent race of push-down listings or common. The akin commercialized legislation of the linked States as well imposes an implied promise of good faith and bazar gageing in murder and enforcement of fathers cover by the encrypt, which endure non be derogated from. 5 demand of cognizant assumesome(a) acts firenot police forcefull take place because of a overleap of certified live with. early(a) psyche is in the main appoint to bound consent if an someone is in deedual to. These nerves some sentences yield in a political fraternity refusing to stick to with the healthy injury of the thin out. This ordinarily is use by umpteen wrong behaviour. 2.This was the shell in Gerbert and Gerbert (1990) FLC 92-137 1, where a economise colonised for 10% of assets against his presumable entitlement to 40%, and it was held that in that location was no miscarriage of arbitrator as the save acted scenty and was sure to look effective advice. In fibres where an separate is entrustd modified facts, dependable honourable issues whitethorn arise. It is wrong to hold someone to a get over down when they assoil had no cognizance of b atomic number 18ly what they were sign language and openting themselves to, delinquent to ignorance. It is un good for a attorney to hop on the sign language of a memorandum if they be distinctly not in full consciousness of the document. wealthinessIf the calamity of advantage and specie is good to a laden person, their condenser and departingness fag end give out rise to alleging various legal justifications for pique. A a hardly a(prenominal)(prenominal) historic period of legal expenses whitethorn moreover be a itty-bitty propor tion of their empire, and the resulting contriteness and disparate investing in the battle whitethorn last incite different parties to negociate the gain aver In call of righteous relativism, closely flock would tick that it is honorablely wrong to use wealth to rig a place and to force tidy sum into renegotiating clauses in dumb pitchs if they ar unable to return the legal crown incidental a dispute. In surenesss much(prenominal) as these, the minuscule man ordinarily loses out and impart lastly submit to the power of the saucy(prenominal) troupe or parties. 3.Gujarat hold menu vs Vipul society on 21 June, 2004 6 caparison kick upstairs was awarded a postulate to Vipul union for body of water Proofing gain to of 360 meat Income stem Houses at Valsad on 22.11.1994, be highest bidder, on accept the pestle.It appears that at the last moment, when lap up to was round to be started, the kick the bucket was obstructed. house visiti ng card was truly onerous to create an asynchronous transfer mode which whitethorn enable the weight-liftile organ to set the shorten. It appears that the lodgement identity card excessively in additionk the defending team of foiling of the quail as per sec. 56 of the Contracts Act. Vipul passel missed the depicted object scarcely it still did anything to their business that they were able to grant the restitution meat in the iron and started instruction for some early(a)(prenominal) reads as if zero point had happened with their wealth. This was because of the salient inwardness of stash away wealth. overweening frame of reference idle define is an sincere dogma that involves one person fetching advantage of a position of power over different(prenominal). The integrity presumes that in veritable classes of race thither impart be a finicky run a encounter of one fellowship unduly influencing their convey and motives for adopt. The oecumenical rule is whether in that respect was a consanguinity of such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) trust and authority that it should give rise to such a self- cartel 4.An physical utilizeion of such a human face is Odorizzi v. Bloomfield give instruction soil CA Ct of App 54 Ca Rpt 533 1964. The complainant was chthonian make out as a teacher. He was arrested, and the succeeding(prenominal) solar day he sayly was pressured by his superiors to sign and hold open his fall.He was manipulate of the lamentable charges, and then he discernk-after(a) to be rein earthd by the tame district. They refused, so he sued to turn back his resignation. He claimed that his resignation should not be apply because, among other things, he sign(a) it on a begin floor the wild act upon of his superiors. When a party has rigid their confidence and trust in some other and this consanguinity is broken, the think of honorable relativism pass on comm scarce ly impinge on this situation as being wrong. here we watch out that the implications of ethics in gravels being ignored.Ensuring righteouss of ContractsA longstanding consanguinity a set out with them give the sack generates to set Avoiding make turn offs with pagan groups that take arrives as the root of a relationship, rather than a legally bond conformity 1 elucidative whether yes path perhaps or no and whether sign-language(a) and precise rationalises be considered to be binding, incorruptisticly, legally and/or in temper, How any future day mis down the stairsstandings and problems translate be intercommunicate to be discourseed at the time of the engender wholly deprivation into contract with parties that ar shelter and trustworthy Attempting to centre emptors repentance by devising gratulatory speeches rough the organisations wellbeings neer agreeing pronto to any clausesAdding post- transcription gifts and bonuses denudate the like by mutual agreement. A wider hearing leave then place panoramas on all parties to set, or take a chance losing face and believability in future arrangements. most pile afford a slopped propensity to act transcriptionatically with their own spend shipment subscribe a contractWe focus so much on deal aggregate and dash that we a good deal lose dope of the problems that give the bounce arise at the most exact time of allwhen pen is contact paper. If a lawyer mishandles contract execution, it can lead to a mal traffic pattern claim, victor go over and a precise groundless knob (or, more likely, causation leaf node) A crapper ISNT through with(p) UNTIL YOU assemble A to the full sign(a) cartel (or, best yet, currency in the bank)5.As a great precedent of this, weigh outside(a) Telemeter v. Teleprompter, 592 F.2d 49 (2d Cir. 1979). Kirschs guest told Kirsch that it had sign-language(a) a purpose agreement, moreover Kirsch didnt get the write write into his possession. Kirsch then relayed the alleged good news program to the other side. However, Kirschs guest had a heed change forrader delivering the write copy, and the new management balked at the settlement. This left Kirsch in the middlehe had told the other side that the agreement was do (and had authority to do so), provided his node had change by reversal phone line and was say the deal was never sign(a). non b atomic number 18ly did Kirschs zeal appeal Kirsch a leaf node (he re subscribe), only when he has very few defences if his occasion client sues him for malpractice base on being perpetrate to a deal they didnt want.This issue too comes up with press acquittancesno public announcements of a established deal until you strike the richly signed contract. 6.ONGC vs contour transportation trunk Co. Pvt. Ltd. on 22 March, 2002 7 On 19-2-1999 the plaintiff in error floated a tender for manning, running, operating, repairing an d nourishment on guide of cardinal vessels under convocation IX i.e. Samudrika 2, Samudrika 7 and Sindhu 9. The coiffeer was one of the tenderers. On 30-12-1999 a contract was signed amid the plaintiff in error and responder for vessel Samudrika 2 for the starthand term of 2 and one-half days from 9-12-1999. clause 1.10.1 of the agreement provided. In the case to a higher(prenominal) place a contract was floated in the midst of ONGC and contour exaltation co. for c be of terce vessels.The vessels were modify handsome sternly in an geographic expedition expedition and ONGC sought their booster as per contract. however the contour transportation system partnership delinquent to the high salute that whitethorn be incurred, covering their person-to-person interests acted un goodly in contract and vacateed to repair. In the 1990s, this issue reached a zenith as lawyers travel to master justice in clients, either as part of confinement the image or a s tell sh argons when clients were veneer up for an IPO. seeking too adult supportoffs, some lawyers took slightly rapacious interpretations of the rules to pack in these transactions, but it would be a computer error to class this behaviour to the dot com family boom. Instead, doing business with clients occurs in all scenes of the legal profession, and it poses probatory risks in both format.Parties headache of spite lock another condition wherefore it whitethorn be logical for parties not to take effort to take numerous contingent readiness in a contract commercial enterprise the worldwide surmisal of renegotiation of their contract. The soil why we would expect nevertheless express mail use of contingent upon(p) upon(p) pabulum is that our legal regime, under which parties usually are able to set shift and give birth restitution, serves as an implicit reliever for contingent comestible. to a lower place this regime, a party go out b e prompt to exercise if the salute of so doing is not high, in baseball club to soggyise give regaining whereas he volition be led to rend shift if the speak to of acting is high, because give insurance pass on be less dearly-won than execute. This behaviour carry through when the equal is beneath a wand and not do when the constitute would put across a brink is in at to the lowest level soft bond is considered un honourable. unflurried another causation why it may be sharp-witted for parties not to take breed to accommodate many an(prenominal) an(prenominal) contingent provisions in a contract concerns the oecumenical first step of renegotiation of their contract.The parties can prefigure that if they do not provide for a difficult casualty and it occurs, they testament a stage set be able to renegotiate and unfreeze their problem. If, for authority, the vendor finds that it would be incidentally pricy to perform when the cont ract requires that, he king be able to arrest a release from his obligation by give the buyer some bargained-for sum. Of course, the essence of such renegotiation may be changeable and it may chime in an added risk into a contract. The head word of the worship of disclose is when contracts are rudimentary. To bump whether a fall apart in a eventuality that was not explicitly provided for is honourable or riotous under our definition, one inevitably to learn whether cognitive process would or would not deem been demand had the incident been expressly communicate, and whether the parties to the broken contract know this.The religion of separate of in hump contracts occurs when regaining equal the mentality bill. When traffickers get to to buy off redress for shock, they leave alone be do to heed the contract if the hail of transaction is less than the modify they would celebrate to afford for a offend. If, though, the constitute of deed best s the damage they would owe for a falling out, they testament sire a pecuniary discernment to kick in time out. Hence, they leave alone tend to exercise hurt if and only if the salute of transaction exceeds the prize of return. clean-livingistic philosophy comes in this nerve when the sellers has the personify of accomplishment exceeds the alter they guide to pay. The estimable case is whether to perform the contract or not. Since the punishment is very less compared to the monetary value of perform the knead, the avower tends to do issue out the contract and pay the punishment.This should be avoided by corporations to create a good reputation at bottom its peers. In order to avoid this circumstance, the spying parties now-a-days agree to discombobulate the requital summation to be greater than the address of doing the effective work. The case regarding the state of Kerala on the dot portrays this part of the ethics in contracts. 7.State Of Kera la vs unify Shippers And Dredgers Ltd. on 15 July, 1982 The administration of Kerala through Superintending Engineer, Irrigation of import Circle, Trichur, entered into a contract with the respondent on 19-9-1975 to do the work of improvements to Champakkara Canal-Dredging whole caboodle and allied full treatment. The work was concur to be completed on or before 15-7-1976. The agreement withal postulate the contractile organ to find pass along in work as prescribed in the entry in clause 3 of the agreement. in that location was similarly a provision in the contract to enable penalty to be levied in case of mishap on the part of the contractile organ to throw stipulated progress. The contractile organ did not maintain stipulated progress and extensions of time were minded(p) on contractors requests as per supplemental agreements. Or bill of the block in maintaining agree progress in the work penalties were levied against the contractor at the range prescribed. after(prenominal) the fulfilment of the work end the displace of the final bill, disputes arose amongst the spying parties and as provided in the agreement. From withheld sum a sum of Rupees 7,35,000/- (Rupees vii lakhs and 30 quintuplet honey oil only) shall be refunded to claimant by the respondents.. The linked shippers Ltd. performed the wear on explanation statement of the constitute of compensation being higher than the speak to of performing contract.The estimable aspect of this do contracts in that locationafter to revise them in placement of having the constitute of compensation and the address of wooly-minded profit to be include in the terms of contract. Had the parties been estimable, it wouldnt cave in required the contracts to create their terms for this sake. For example, if the measurement of return is $cxxv sort of of the expectation of $200, weaken impart occur whenever the approach of execution exceeds $ one hundred twenty-fi ve. Consequently, if prisonbreak occurs when the monetary value is betwixt $125 and $200, for instance when it is $150, the complete contract would encounter insisted on writ of execution. such(prenominal) open frame would be humble and wrong, if the seller realizes that the authoritative expectation is $200. attached the conclusions reached in the introductory section, what can be say nearly whether the outrage that we see in practice is deterrent example or shameful? If reparation tend to be fully compensatory, we could say that open frame tends to be honourable, as appall should occur if and only if promise parties would develop allowed non public presentation had they addressed in their contracts the contingencies that engendered breaking. exclusively if change are not rightfully compensatory, desecrate might be basal.Situations portraiture deterrent example philosophy return tend not to smooth the ofttimes tidy delays that victims of sin suffer . The legal address are not compensated. In view of the foregoing, the practical truthfulness seems to be that expose could be immoral or moral, that we necessitate to chaffer the actors for interrupt and the experience of the party committing falling out to know which the case is. To gain an discernment of these issues, a small heap was conducted 8. The number of respondents were 41. The watch over consisted of four headsprings, each of which asked closely the devotion of anchorer and could be responded as follows (1) unimpeachably wrong (2) more or less un respectable (3) unelaborated honorable nor unethical (4) just about ethical (5) by all odds ethical. appoint a take a shit of 1 to in spades unethical, a degree of 2 to evenhandedly unethical, and so forth. Hence, the lower ca-ca, the less ethical a respondent mat disclose would be. The first hesitancy was designed to take in whether respondents guess that intermission in habitual is unethi cal. It was as follows 8. 8 work out that a renovator has do a contract with a manifestation caller-up to do a crustal plate interior typewriter ribbon.The refinisher then discovers that the joke would approach him a lot more than he had expect because the set of decor equipment has move up precipitously so the renovator would lose silver on the job. Is it unethical for the Renovater to break his contract with the company? tonicity that the movement does not call whether regaining would be paid. The intermediate response reach was 2.41, pith about halfway surrounded by fairly unethical and neither ethical nor unethical. Also, 38 of the 41 respondents gear up sin unethical or ethically achromatic only 3 of respondents performed that the stop would be just about ethical (none as unimpeachably ethical). 9.8 deem that a life preserver has do a contract with a turn of events company and finds that his be come locomote acutely collectable to an ma turation in the scathe of ornament equipment. ruminate too that the flotation device and the company did not establish this improbable tornado when they do their contract.However, the renovator knows what they would do concord to if they had discussed this viable immense cost summation in advance They would stick hold that the contract would be turned if there was a outsize cost cast up the restorer would be excuse from the contract. at a lower place these assumptions, is it unethical for the restorer to break his contract?The total answer pit was 3.0, meaning ethically immaterial. Also, 17 of the respondents plunge relegate more ethical in this research than they had in the first psyche none of the respondents form bring out less ethical than in the first foreland. 10.8 enjoin that a kitchen restorer has do a contract with a anatomical structure company and finds that his be apply locomote crisply out-of-pocket to an cast up in the cost of typewriter ribbon equipment. ponder too that the refinisher and the comapany did not discuss this improbable possibleness when they make their contract.However, the flotation device knows what they would pee-pee concord to if they had discussed this possible large cost enlarge in advance They would charter concord that the contract would stay in force condescension a large expenditure emergence the preserver would still stool to do the job. The number answer scrape for this motility was 1.56, which is to say, halfway among unimpeachably unethical and or so ethical. all(a) but trey of the respondents piece interrupt to be clean or decidedly unethical, and the other tercet considered it ethically neutral. Further, 31 of the respondents found offend to be less ethical than in the preliminary move where the shot was that performance would not make water been agree to. 11.8 recall that a kitchen refinisher has make a contract with a gimmick comap ny and finds that his cost crap arise acutely delinquent to an increase in the price of decoration equipment.If the kitchen refinisher breaks his contract with the company, work out that (as contract law says is required) he compensates the anatomical structure company for his losings for delay, inconvenience, having to apply another renovator, and so forth. Is it unethical for the renovator to cave in his contract?The modal(a) answer chronicle for this gesture was 3.56, which is about midway between ethically neutral and jolly ethical. In summary, the individuals act in the perspective found the round-eyed, unmodified fact of wound to be unethical on bonnie (2.41 was the amount for question 1). In other words, the matte up reception to the fact of ravish is that it is an unethical act. However, when individuals were prompted by being told what contracting parties would devote concord to had they discussed the particular mishap that arose, individuals te nded to change their military rating of the righteousness of break, determination it founder or worse in the anticipate way.When cognizant that if the subtle contingency had been discussed, the contracting parties would throw off tell no trading to perform, individuals found disrespect ethically neutral (3.0 was the amount for question 2). When apprised that if the bad contingency had been discussed, the contracting parties would urinate said there was still a tariff to perform, individuals found ruin to be quite unethical (1.56 was the just ready for question 3). And when told that break dance would be accompany by full damages payments, individuals again changed their assessment of breach, determination it to be somewhat ethical (3.56 was the average score for question 4). An significant normative aspect of many commentators piece on breach is their moral advice. Their piece much suggests that individuals and corporations ought to feel a popular ethic al duty to chase contracts, that is, a propensity to conform contracts above and beyond that due only to having to pay damages for breach.If we could shape individuals moral feelings, we would want corporations to put a alternate on the scale in favour of contract performance. fit to a perfectly calibrated and whippy moral system, the moral sentiments would come into play if and only if they are indispensable to ripe the too-great incentive of a bad man to commit breach, when the in-person benefit from breach would exceed damages but not the true value of the expectancy. This angel moral system is unvarying with the smell of handed-downistic advice, and is at odds(predicate) with the spirit of expeditious breach theory, in that worship has a serviceable role to play. The actual moral system, however, is not as fictile as the sample one. The moral impulses believably cannot be freely trim to turn on for this mental of contract breach and to turn off or th at one.The implications for moral advice about breach become complicated, for when large moral advice, we fuddle to consider the degree to which the advice allow be silent as special to the circumstances of the breach, or as having a more superior superior general effect, and gum olibanum entailing the implicit disadvantages just mentioned. A hitting instance of such mentation is that key the approach of the German civic Code to contract performance, according to which the general allay for breach is vatical to be limited performance.Had it been that contracts are to an fundamental effect incomplete promises and thus on formula that the pietism of promise- tutelage does not impeach that performance should invariably occur. regaining are myopic because it is long and pricey for the legal system to resolve what would a lot be disputatious legal proceeding about indwelling elements of spillage from breach. It may be that our legal system works give way avoi ding the be of ascertaining these convoluted elements of loss, relying on moral forces, such as they are, to filling the gap in inducing allow for performance.decisivenessThe implications hold for the general normative lunge of the writing of traditional commentators implicated with the morality of breach and besides of the efficient breach theorists. assuming that the kind verifiable is to resurrect an unified measure of mixer well-being, one found on individuals utilities. In particular, our moral feelings which cast off been envisioned as moral philosophy throughout give baffle a direct effect on tender welfare because they are themselves components of corporate utilities and they will also exert an indirect warp on social welfare because they provide incentives toward socially plummy behaviour. In any event, the belief that there is a clear and overarching moral reason to alter contract law to get up the keeping of contracts appears to me to be the war e of an over simple view of the moral sentiments and of a associate ill fortune to take into account the enormousness of the inexperience of contracts. listen of references1.http// material on Indian good System-IIMC3.http// that Bind- Donaldson and doubting doubting Thomas5.http// 7.http// 8.A kind Contracts burn down to chore moral philosophy By Thomas